Jesus Taught Nicodemus

The Bible Meets Life: Today your child heard that the Bible tells that Jesus is the Savior. Nicodemus visited Jesus to learn more about Him. Jesus told Nicodemus that He is the Messiah. 

Live It Out: Review the Bible story and say the Weekly Bible Verse, John 3:16, with your child. Encourage her to write the verse in her own words. Remind her that everyone sins, but Jesus came to save us from our sins. 

Recorded on Sunday, June 5, 2022, Children’s online Worship

Nicodemus was a very important religious leader in his community. He had studied and taught in the best Jewish schools, and he was also a powerful government official. As much as Nicodemus had studied all of God’s laws, he knew there was something different about Jesus. Jesus’ teachings were new to Nicodemus, and Nicodemus wanted to learn more.

One evening Nicodemus visited Jesus and said, “My teacher, we know You are from God because no one could do what You do unless God was with him.”

Jesus answered, “No one can see God’s kingdom unless he is born again.”

Nicodemus was confused. He did not understand how he could become a baby again!

Jesus did not mean that Nicodemus should become a real human baby again. Jesus explained, “God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son so that anyone who believes in Him will have eternal life.”

Jesus told Nicodemus that when people believe God sent His only Son to pay the penalty for their sin and trust Him to forgive their sin, they receive new, eternal life through God’s Holy Spirit. They are born again into God’s family.