Dates: Aug 6th – 9th and Aug 12th – 16th (+ Aug 17th Celebration)
Time: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Once again, kids look forward to that time of year, and some parents dread it: Summer vacation! That also means it’s time for our annual Summer Day Camp, and we want to invite the children to join us. The Children’s Ministry works hard to provide a fun and educational program each year. The children who attend always have a great time, make new friends, experience life changes, and leave with a deeper understanding of the Lord and His love for each of them. 孩子們和好些家長都在期待今夏天的假期;意味着每年的夏天聖經學校日營開始了。我們再誠意邀請孩子們來報名參加。每年我們都很努力安排這歡樂和德智的課程,讓每位參加的小朋友有一段好時光,能結交新朋友,體驗生命的好改變,加深認識主耶穌和祂給我們的厚愛。
This year, Edmonton Chinese Baptist Church is excited to present the “Breaker Rock Beach” Summer VBS Day Camp for ages 4 and up, from Aug 6-9 and 12-17, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. At Breaker Rock Beach, kids will learn to recognize the difference between what the world says and what God says is true. They will be challenged to differentiate between the lies or half-truths of the culture around them and the unchanging truth of God, even when it’s radically different from what some people say. They’ll discover that God does not want them to conform to this age but to be transformed by renewing their minds so that they can discern God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will (Romans 12:2). 今年,愛城華人浸信會,很高興為4歲以上的孩子,在8月6至9及12至17,每日上午9:30至下午4:30舉辦名為"Breaker Rock Beach "的夏令VBS 日營。在營裏孩子會曉得分辨世上所講的和神所講的的真假。他們要能清楚分辨,那從環境及文化中得知,真的或半真假的謊言,或來自神不改變的真理。(往往有被極端人士誤解的真理)。羅馬書12章2節:"不要效法這世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為神的善良,純全可喜悦的旨意"
Adventure awaits each day as kids explore arts at “Tide Pool Crafts,” participate in Bible study at “Sandcastle Cove,” sing songs at “Orca Music,” play games at “Ship Rec,” hear stories at “Bonfire Missions, and end the day with a fun field trip around the city. Breaker Rock rises majestically as a symbol of strength, standing firm against the force of wind and waves. We can stand firm when we stand on God’s rock-solid truth. 孩子們每天在"Tide Pool Craft “會有很多新的經歷;在"Sandcastle "查考聖經;在"Orca Music "學唱歌;在"Ship Rec "有遊戲;在"Bonfire Missions “聽故事。在一天的結束前有歡樂的繞城的外遊。Breaker Rock 宏壯的豎立是代表它有的能力,在風和浪的猛力衝擊下,仍能堅立;就像我們能穩站在神堅固如石的真理上。
The fees for two weeks (includes field trips, field trip transportation, 2024 VBS-themed t-shirt, daily craft materials, daily snacks, etc.) are :
Early bird before April 30 (4月30日前報名) | $ 270 |
Payment received by May 31 (5月31日前報名) | $ 285 |
Payment received by June 30 (6月30日前報名) | $ 300 |
Payment after July 17 (7月15日前報名) | $ 315 |
Our End of Camp Celebration will be hosted on Saturday, August 17! Children will showcase all that they have learned in a musical presentation. For more info, contact Pastor Hanna Ng @ 780-720-7297. 於8月17日星期六,會慶祝夏令營結束。孩子們將表演在營內學到的歌曲和舞蹈。敬請見諒。其他資詢請聯絡吳師母,電話780-720-729
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