愛浸意見收集表格 (Online forum)

愛城華人浸信會,將於10月21日晚上七時,以Zoom 視像形式,舉辦教會異象分享會,商討教會的異象和使命,誠意邀請弟兄姊妹同心參與。您亦可透過填寫以下的意見收集表,預先將您對教會寶貴的意見,以匿名的方式,遞交給教會理事會。您的個人資料將絕對不會被發現,而其中的內容亦會直接交由理事會處理。


There will be an online forum focusing on Church vision / mission on Oct 21 at 7 pm via Zoom virtual meeting. Any comment / suggestion could be sent to the Church Councillors in advance. You could also fill in this suggestion form to anonymously submit your opinions to the Church Council. Your personal information will not be discovered, and the content will be directly submitted to the Church Council for review.
Thank you for your suggestions and team work.

In Him,
ECBC Church Council