2021 公路清潔 Highway cleanup


每年教會舉辨的公路清潔活動,其主要目的,是為愛浸的短宣隊,籌募宣教經費,將福音帶進人群。今年的「愛浸公路清潔活動」,將暫定於五月一日星期六舉行,時間及地點將稍後公佈。誠邀大家預留時間參與。有關詳情可聯絡愛浸國語部的聶書全牧師 (電郵︰shuquan.nie@ecbchurch.org)。


Every year, ECBC organizes Highway Cleanup activity, to raise funds for our church Short Term Mission Team in getting ready for their upcoming short term mission trip. This year, the “ECBC Highway Cleanup” activity is tentatively scheduled on Saturday May 1st, 2021. The time and location will be announced later. We invite everyone to join and participate. Please contact the Mandarin Pastor Rev. Nie Shuquan for more information (Email︰shuquan.nie@ecbchurch.org).

Those who are interested in participating, please fill in the following registration form, you could also fill in the name of the accompanying participant in the message area.