Sermons (Page 11)

Isaac Kept peace

Pastor Hanna Ng Genesis 26:1-6,12-33 A famine came to the land. Isaac went to see Abimelech, king of the Philistines at Gerar. God appeared to Isaac and told him not to go to Egypt, but to stay in this land. God promised to bless Isaac and be with him. God would remember the oath He…

Jesus cleansed the temple

Pastor Hanna Ng Read: Mark 11:15-18; Matthew 21:12-13 When Jesus and His disciples arrived in Jerusalem, Jesus went to the temple. At the temple, people were buying and selling things at unfair prices. He turned over the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. Jesus demanded all those who…

Joash and the people gave offerings

2 Chronicles 24 Joash was 7 years old when he became king, and he ruled 40 years in Jerusalem. Joash did what was right in the sight of the Lord the entire time that Jehoiada was priest. Joash wanted to repair the house of the Lord because it had been misused for idol worship. Joash…

Blessed Family

Mrs. Miao Ling Tan Deuteronomy 6:4-7 states that parents are to teach their children about God. They are the primary spiritual leaders of their family. Parents have the most significant influence on a child’s life and development. When parents make family worship a priority, children learn to love the Lord their God with their heart,…