Sunday, December 8, 2024
Dear Parents,
This Sunday, your child will learn about God’s choice of Mary and Joseph as the family for Jesus. We’ll explore how God’s promises were fulfilled: a virgin would give birth to the Messiah (Mary), and the Messiah would come from David’s line (Joseph).
The children will see how God always keeps His promises in His perfect plan.
At home, you can ask:
- How do you think Mary and Joseph felt about God’s plan for them?
- Why is it important that God kept His promises?
We look forward to seeing your child on Sunday!
Pastor Hanna Ng
Sunday School In-Person @ 9:30 AM
Nursery: Babies to Twos
Preschool: Ages 3 to Kindergarten
Children: Grades 1-6
Worship In-Person @ 11 AM
Nursery: Babies to Twos
Preschool: Ages 3 to Kindergarten
Children: Grades 1-6
Children’s ONLINE Worship @ 5 PM
Zoom Meeting ID: 824 8241 4465
Passcode: Children
Timothy Fellowship for Grade 4-6, Friday @ 7 PM
(Please call 780-720-7297 to attend, schedule and place might be changed)