
'work' tagged posts

Make the Most of Your Time

Today as I write this, the date is December 28th, the last Monday of one of the most difficult and chaotic years of recent memory. What started off as a year of hopes and dreams turned into, for many, a time of struggle, pain and grief. With Christmas now past us, we return to the…

When Compassion Wears You Down

I think for many of us, especially men, working hard is part of our DNA. There is a tendency for us to get so engrossed in our work, we neglect other important things, namely ourselves. If there are deadlines, we will work through meals and breaks. Why do we do this? Part of it is…

How to Conquer Fear and Shame

One of the most important things for any believer to understand is how fear and shame impact our identity. Being a part of a culture where these two facets are often demonstrated in an unwillingness to risk because of the possibility of failure and losing face, I understand first-hand how paralyzing this can be and…

When the Going Gets Tough

One of the things about Christian ministry, especially if you are in a leadership position, is it requires you to pour out your heart and soul into the work you are doing. We do this because we believe God has called us to our task. We view what we do through a spiritual lens, believing what…

God’s Investment in Us

I once heard the story about a young man who called over the phone to check up on the effectiveness of his work at his work. He called the lady he worked for posing as a young man who was looking for yard work. He asked her if it were possible that he do some work for…