
'gospel' tagged posts

Creating a Culture of Honour

As Canadians, we often mock our neighbours to the South for how partisan and polarized their politics are when in reality our own nation is often divided by the same sentiments and practices. The rhetoric between the “right” and the “left”, the governing party and the opposition, are the same regardless of which nation you…

When Jesus says, “Goodbye”

Goodbyes aren’t easy, especially if the one leaving will be gone long. Lou Gehrig, one of the all-time great baseball players, said goodbye at Yankee Stadium in June of 1939. His body was being ravaged by disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a disease that would later bear his name. With tears in his eyes, he…

Lost Treasure

I’ve heard in the past from some pastors and authors that we need to “Preach the gospel to ourselves every day”. But why should we do that if we are already Christians? Do we really need to hear the gospel over and over again? Although many of us have responded to the gospel and given…

The Gospel according to Peter

With Easter quickly approaching, we are coming to the pinnacle of the Christian calendar. As much as we celebrate the Incarnation at Christmas, it is Easter, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, where the miracle of the events of the Incarnation took effect. These events and their purpose are the gospel. Today, the gospel…

God’s Extraordinary Power

How many of us have ever taken on a challenge that we could not do by ourselves? Maybe it was a home project like putting together a BBQ or repairing something around the house. You start well, but soon find yourself over your head unable to continue without help. One of the earliest lessons we…