
Connected Through Prayer


It’s important to pray for one another – and certainly for those in positions of leadership in the church. God, in ways we don’t always understand fully, chooses to work through the prayers of believer

Media: “The Skinny on Prayer” via YouTube.

Prayer is not forced, not a list of “things to do,” not an act/performance. He desire to engage in a real conversation with us, to have a daily personal relation with us. This is how we can connect with Him.

Just note though, Satan wants nothing more than to keep the church from its purpose, our mission. But keep in mind that our relationship with God will help us overcome anything, provided that we are willing to talk to Him in prayer.

Read: Ephesians 6:18-22

The Point: Support Your Church with Prayer

Prayer: pray that the Lord would show students His power daily and that He would remind them to find strength in Him.

Part I – Ephesians 6:18

If our purpose as a church were simply to socialize, we could thrive on our own steam. But the church is the body of Christ on assignment to accomplish the greatest mission. We have a wartime mission with a vicious enemy trying to defeat us at every turn (1 Peter 5:8)

Paul gave this word on how to win: PRAY


  • Pray at all times. Maintain a continuous dialog with God.
    We should face every situation with prayer. Paul knew believers would tend to forget about prayer until a crisis brought them to their knees. Develop a consistent prayer would enable us to stay suited up with the spiritual armor to face whatever come our way.
  • Pray in the Spirit. We are to communicate with God through the Holy Spirit’s power.
    Something that we tend to forget: that the Holy Spirit lives in us and works within us to direct us so we can serve Christ faithfully. By being sensitive to the presence of Holy Spirit, we learn how to be attentive to times when he nudges us to pray.
  • Prayer with all perseverance. Keep praying with no intention of giving up. We don’t intercede for others once or twice and then forget about it.
    The key point here is “intercession,” praying on behalf for other believers. In doing so, we turn our attention away from our own needs and focus our prayer on others.

The Greek word for PRAYER or PRAYING in this verse suggests talking with God in a way that includes components like praise, thanksgiving, intercession, confession, and adoration.

Part II – Ephesians 6:19-20

What keeps us from being more aware of our church leader’s prayer needs?

Spiritual leaders are prime targets for Satan’s attack. If he can bring leaders down, he can negatively impact others in the kingdom of God. Here are some practical suggestions:Prayer and change

  1. Pray for their preaching and teaching (wisdom, insight, and words to speak)
  2. Pray for their families (relationship, understanding, peace and rest)
  3. Pray for protection (against temptation toward greed, adultery, anger, addition, and other sins)
  4. Pray for physical and mental health (encouragement, lead well and make sound decisions)

Pay close attention to Paul’s prayer request. He didn’t ask for Christians to pray for his quick release from prison or for protection from his enemies. Instead, he wanted them to pray for him to have a message from God when the time came for him to open his mouth, and share the gospel. In other words, be effective.

This verse challenges us to pray for our church leaders. As they boldly share the gospel of Christ. Declaring the gospel with boldness provides an opportunity for others to experience the joy of salvation.

The comparison of “Ambassador”

  • Usually enjoys the privileges of diplomatic immunity as they traveled freely.
  • Paul, as the ambassador from God’s kingdom, was in chains. But he saw that as an opportunity to share about Christ, to carries out his kingdom assignment.
Part III – Ephesians 6:21-22

How can I know what to pray for when I’m interceding for others?

It is ideal when brothers and sisters in Christ take the initiative to request prayer for specific needs. Note that the speed and accessibility of modern communication means our ability to stay informed of prayer needs is truly limitless. Here are a few ways:

  1. Touch base with the people you’re praying for to find out what’s going on in their lives. Visit, call, email, or write.
  2. Write prayer requests down so you can pray persistently and go back later to ask for updates
  3. Access resources from mission organization to learn about missionaries around the world, and learn about how you can pray for them.

When we know about their needs, we can pray for them in precise ways that point more directly to their needs. Our prayer time also becomes more purposeful.

After Effect: Our hearts can be encouraged!

  • News about victories our friends experience can inspire us to keep on praying for them
  • Updates about challenges can prompt us to devote ourselves more earnestly to the ministry of intercession on their behalf.

Prayer ListAssignment: Start a prayer list.

Ask (at least) 4 people for a prayer request this week and write them down with their name next to it. One of which must be our pastor or ministry leader. snap a picture and post it on Facebook, tagged by #ecbcbiblelife.

Prayer: pray for interceding for others and asking that God would help us be mindful to pray for one another as we battle for His kingdom.





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