
Reflection (Page 35)

Faith to be Strong, Faith to be Weak

Christians and non-Christians can have defective views of what the Christian life really is. Preaching the Bible aims to bring our views of God and His ways more and more into line with the truth. We do this for unbelievers so that they can embrace Christianity on the basis of a true picture of it,…

How Paul Saw the Church

Our church is approaching its 40th anniversary. Looking back there have been many changes. People come and go. People pass away and children are born. Pastors come and go. Even locations change. The truth is, although we desire to be constant and stable, change is necessary for survival and effectiveness for reaching the community around…

The Peace God Offers

How many of us today feel stressed? We might be dealing with school issues and feel overwhelmed? Our job might be shaky at best and we have mounting bills to worry about as well. Then there are the health issues we may be dealing with or family issues. Regardless, all of us have stuff going…

Don’t Panic!

Disaster movies often have a “don’t panic” scene. The hero or heroine is trying to organize the others to escape the oncoming disaster, but somebody loses his or her head and starts screaming about how they’re all going to die. “Don’t panic!” shouts the one in charge, often slapping the panicky one. Generally speaking, it’s…

Becoming More Like Jesus

Let me start by asking everyone a question: “Which one of your parents do you look more like? Which one are you like in your personality? In our humanness, we take on much of our looks and personality from the genetic material each of our parents contributes. In many ways, I don’t look much like…