
Buddhism Studies

Presentation by Calvin, Dave and Gary (a.k.a. The Teachers)

Gautama Buddha

  • Was a sage whose belief became the religion of Buddhism.
  • The word “Buddha” means “the enlightened one” or “awakened one”
  • He became enlightened by sitting under a fig tree for 49 days meditating.

Buddhist 4 “Noble Truths”

  1. Life is Suffering
  2. Suffering is caused by craving and hatred
  3. That suffering can be overcome and bring happiness
  4. Noble 8-fold Path is answer to ending suffering

Wheel of Life (Saṃsāra and Karma)

Karma is the force that drives Saṃsāra—the cycle of suffering and rebirth for each being. Good-skillful deeds and bad-unskillful actions produce “seeds” in the mind that come to fruition either in this life or in a subsequent rebirth

Samsara Wheel of lifeChristian vs. Buddhist (YouTube video from One Minute Apologist)

Additional notes from the Teachers:

Since the Teachers did the presentation, therefore there are no additional notes for this post.


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